Available in Telefang 1  Move
Bootleg: Resume
Found in Available in Telefang 1

Recover is a move found in Telefang 1. It recovers some HP for an ally or the user, selected by the player.


Telefang 1
No. Name Bootleg name Stage Type Level
016 T1-016-I Ixora Ikusora

Natural Denjuu Aquatic Aquatic L15
023 T1-023-I Liriope Ririope

Civilized Denjuu Aquatic Aquatic L10
028 T1-028-I Pampas Banles

Civilized Denjuu Aquatic Aquatic L16
044 T1-044-I Burenica Branika

Civilized Denjuu Grassland Grassland

046 T1-046-I Berzelia Bazaria

Civilized Denjuu Grassland Grassland

069 T1-069-I Medter Medter

Big Denjuu Aquatic Aquatic

071 T1-071-I Hitodeight Hitodei

Big Denjuu Aquatic Aquatic

078 T1-078-I Lirionpu Ririonpu

Burst Denjuu Aquatic Aquatic

083 T1-083-I Cliogera Kliaoger

Burst Denjuu Aquatic Aquatic

091 T1-091-I Kyoruka Kyoruka

Explosion Denjuu Grassland Grassland

093 T1-093-I Baionpu Baionpu

Explosion Denjuu Aquatic Aquatic

098 T1-098-I Lampgera Ranbrage

Explosion Denjuu Aquatic Aquatic

109 T1-109-I Denfare Danver

Explosion Denjuu Grassland Grassland

115 T1-115-I Veenica Buinika

Super Machine Denjuu Grassland Grassland

125 T1-125-I Punisto Punisuto

Super Denjuu Grassland Grassland

143 T1-143-I Baikingu Baikingu

Demon Denjuu Aquatic Aquatic
