Available in Telefang 1  Available in Telefang 2  Move
Bootleg: Dive
Animation of Ixora using Rush on Pampas
Move type Normal Normal
Found in Available in Telefang 1 Available in Telefang 2

Rush is a move found mainly in the move-set of many first-stage Denjuu. Rush is depicted as a brutal, physical charge into the opposing monster. It is found in both Telefang 1 and Telefang 2.

Rush commonly changes into Assault when a Denjuu evolves naturally.


The following Denjuu know this move from the start
Telefang 1
No. Name Bootleg name Stage Type
001 T1-001-I Tsunonasu Zinunas

Natural Denjuu Mountain Mountain

002 T1-002-I Kochia Kokia

Natural Denjuu Sky Sky

003 T1-003-I Oshe Osie

Natural Denjuu Mountain Mountain

005 T1-005-I Crypto Kuribute

Natural Denjuu Forest Forest

009 T1-009-I Punica Punika

Natural Denjuu Grassland Grassland

015 T1-015-I Mantea Mantea

Natural Denjuu Aquatic Aquatic

016 T1-016-I Ixora Ikusora

Natural Denjuu Aquatic Aquatic

017 T1-017-I Myrtus Mierths

Natural Denjuu Grassland Grassland

021 T1-021-I Angios Anjiosi

Civilized Denjuu Sky Sky

035 T1-035-I Obana Obana

Civilized Denjuu Desert Desert

078 T1-078-I Lirionpu Ririonpu

Burst Denjuu Aquatic Aquatic

133 T1-133-I Enishida Genista

Super Denjuu Grassland Grassland

Telefang 2
No. Name Bootleg name Stage Type
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The following Denjuu learn this move at a certain level
Telefang 1
No. Name Bootleg name Stage Type
This move is not learnt by any Denjuu at a certain level.
Telefang 2
No. Name Bootleg name Stage Type
This list is incomplete. You can help by expanding it.